Developing Mobile Websites with Responsive Web Design and jQuery Mobile On-Site Training
This hands-on course conveys the fundamental skills necessary to design and build responsive web sites for mobile devices such as phones and tablets. Attendees will use responsive web design (RWD) techniques such as CSS3 media queries and flexible grids to build mobile-compatible web sites. Course Description/AgendaThis hands-on course conveys the fundamental skills necessary to design and build responsive web sites for mobile devices such as phones and tablets. Attendees will use responsive web design (RWD) techniques such as CSS3 media queries and flexible layouts to build mobile-compatible web sites. Students will learn how to test mobile websites using emulators and simulators. Coverage includes working with mobile-related JavaScript APIs such as Screen Orientation, Battery Status and Vibration. Additional APIs such as Fullscreen, Web Storage, Geolocation and History are also discussed. The course also provides an extensive introduction into using the jQuery Mobile Framework for building mobile-specific web sites. Students will learn how to use jQuery Mobile widgets to create forms, lists, toolbars and collapsible blocks. Students will also learn how to integrate SOA with a mobile web site including working with RSS feeds, Google Maps integration and implementing server-side data access. Attendees will use ThemeRoller for jQuery Mobile to download existing or custom theme swatches to format the appearance of a web site. Additional topics include responding to user events, configuring jQuery Mobile defaults and using page transitions. Comprehensive hands on exercises are integrated throughout to reinforce learning and develop real competency. Course Prerequisites: Prior knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery equivalent to attending the Web Site Development With HTML/JavaScript and Developing Rich Internet Applications Using HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery courses.
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