Who Should Attend
You Will Discover
In the last 5 years, the nature of most Information
Technology/Information Services departments has changed radically.
The impact of a tight economy, globalization, out sourcing of
core functions, Sarbanes-Oxley and ‘doing more with less’ have been
added to the traditional pressures of increasing customer expectations,
constantly changing technology and a core work force motivated quite
differently from other employees.
Entering leadership positions in the IT/IS department today
requires radically different skills than just a few years ago.
Those who have been in the leadership roles during the changes
have been challenged to change themselves and develop new areas of
expertise. This seminar
examines the current issues and provides a framework for handling the
new changes that will inevitably evolve.
Seminar Outline:
What is the value and function of the Information
Technology/Services department today?
The changing role of the IT/IS department in a changing economy
The challenges facing IT/IS
Demonstrating the value of IT/IS
Globalization, outsourcing and other facts of IT/IS leadership and
The impact of the Sarbanes Oxley Act on both SEC regulated companies and
What are the skills, talents and experiences needed to lead an IT/IS
department today?
Understanding your own leadership and management preferences
Applying an understanding of personality to managing and leading
Building your skills inventory for effective leadership and management
of the IT/IS department and its employees
Recognizing your talents and reexamining your experiences to improve
your effectiveness as an IT/IS Leader