PLC Programming & Applications - 2 Day Hands-On On-Site Training
An Intensive, 2-day "Hands-on" Training Course. Gain the confidence you need to modify and create your own PLC programs Course Description/AgendaThis seminar provides an in-depth knowledge of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) including programming and useful applications. It is designed for people who already have a basic understanding of PLCs and need to modify or write common PLC programs in their jobs. After attending this seminar, students will be comfortable when programming PLCs and will have the confidence to edit or create new PLC solutions on their own. The training in this class is practical and geared to cover most common programming functions so that students can go back to their jobs and immediately apply what they have learned � that�s Real World Training... for Real World Needs!
This course is created for individuals who need to be able to modify and/or write ladder logic programs for their Programmable Logic Controllers. Since programming logic is the same but there are multiple manufacturers of PLCs, this course does not limit itself to a specific PLC manufacturer. It is designed instead to accommodate all of the most popular software platforms in use today. As a result, students will find this course extremely valuable regardless of the PLCs they may have back at their facility, and it is especially beneficial for those who run into more than one type of PLC when performing their jobs. People attending this course should already have attended our prerequisite course �PLCs for Non-Programmers� or have a basic understanding of PLCs and a working knowledge of electrical controls and principles. Attendees in this class will come from a wide variety of industries, skill-levels, company sizes, and job titles, so if you're not sure you'll fit in or benefit from this class, don't worry - you will - as long as you have an interest in programming PLCs. Attendees include... All maintenance personnel in:
Through hands-on exercises students will design and program various industrial applications. Just as there is no one particular PLC manufacturer and model used in the field, this course is not limited to a specific PLC program, but examines the various software platforms in use today through the use of a laptop computer and the LogixPro 500 simulator. Using this simulator, students will be able to explore the various software platforms so that they can gain a sound foundation in PLC programming no matter what PLC they may run across. From the basics of relay logic, to ladder logic and on through the IEC standard of Function Block Diagrams and Structured Text, students learn to work on the various real-world PLC systems they see every day in the field. This course is perfect for the maintenance technician, electrician, or engineer who works with PLC controlled equipment. Reducing the costs of outsourcing PLC programming and minimizing downtime are just two of the reasons for attending this course. Accurately programming PLCs can also improve quality in manufacturing, increase efficiency and even save energy cost associated with certain equipment. This seminar is designed to have an immediate impact on maintenance operations. Discussion topics in this class include: PLC QUICK REVIEW
All students attending our seminars receive a personalized Certificate of Completion and .8 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) per day of training. Over 40,000 employers and government agencies who have sent their employees to our classes accept American Trainco CEUs for continuing education requirements. Our administration and record keeping practices meet or exceed the standards of ACE (American Council on Education) and we are able to provide transcripts of all classes attended and tests taken by individual students. Please contact us if our CEUs are not yet accepted by your authority. We will initiate an application to get the approval process started.
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