Customer Outcome Selling On-Site Training
The step-by-step sales techniques critical to approaching customers with business solutions and expanding partnership capabilities. Course Description/AgendaSelling has changed. Once upon a time, sales representatives went into the field and "pushed" their products. They did their best to sell through cold calling, knocking on doors, and one-size-fits-all sales pitches. The goal was to sell, sell, sell. And the means to that end were often left up to the sales rep. The BCI Customer Outcome Selling Advantage Despite this change, the importance of Sales has not decreased in the slightest! In fact, 70% of a customer's decision to buy is based on a favorable interaction with a sales rep. That means that even though customers don't want to be "sold," they do want help and guidance with their buying decisions from someone they like and trust. Our premier sales training solution helps sales organizations and people learn how to stop "pushing" products and cultivate a deeper understanding of customer needs. Outcomes for participants:
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