Instructor-led Classroom Learning - 2.00 Day(s)
Online Anytime - Self Paced
Mentored Learning - Flexible
In this course, you will be introduced to the concept of the relational
database and the Microsoft Office Access 2003 relational database
application, and information management tools. Also, you will learn how
to design and create a new Access database.
Who Should Attend:
This course is designed for students who wish to learn the basic and
intermediate-level operations of the Microsoft Access Database program
to perform their day to day responsibilities, and to understand the
advantages that using a relational database program can bring to their
business processes. The first day addresses job responsibilities that
include working with tables to create and maintain records, locate
records, and produce reports based on the information in the database.
It also provides the fundamental knowledge and techniques needed to
advance to more technical Access responsibilities, such as creating and
maintaining new databases and using programming techniques that enhance
Access applications. The second day addresses job responsibilities that
include creating new databases, tables, and relationships, as well as
working with and revising intermediate-level queries, forms, and
reports. It also introduces integrating Access data with other Microsoft
At Course Completion:
You will be introduced to the features of the Microsoft Office Access
2003 application. You will design and create a new Access database;
improve queries, forms, and reports; and integrate Access with other
applications. This course is also designed for students pursuing the
Microsoft Office Specialist Certification for Access 2003, and it is a
prerequisite to taking more advanced courses in Access 2003.
Prerequisite(s) or equivalent knowledge:
Windows XP (New Version) - Level 1
Outline: |
Lesson 1: An Overview of Microsoft
Access |
Relational Databases
The Access Environment
The Database Environment
Examine an Access Table
Lesson 2: Managing Data |
Examine an Access Form
Add and Delete Records
Sort Records
Display Record Sets
Update Records
Run a Report
Lesson 3: Establishing Table
Relationships |
Identify Table Relationships
Identify Primary and Foreign Keys in the Relationships Window
Working with Subdatasheets
Lesson 4: Querying the Database
The Select Query
Add Criteria to a Query
Add a Calculated Field to a Query
Perform a Calculation on a Record Grouping
Lesson 5: Designing Forms |
Form Design Guidelines
Create AutoForms
Create a Form Using the Form Wizard
Modify the Design of a Form
Lesson 6: Producing Reports |
Create an AutoReport
Create a Report by Using the Wizard
Examine a Report in Design View
Add a Calculated Field to a Report
Modify the Format Properties of a Control
AutoFormat a Report
Adjust the Width of a Report
Lesson 7: Planning a Database |
Design a Relational Database
Identify Database Purpose
Review Existing Data
Determine Fields
Group Fields into Tables
Normalize the Data
Designate Primary and Foreign Keys
Lesson 8: Building the Structure
of a Database |
Create a New Database
Create a Table Using a Wizard
Create Tables in Design View
Create Relationships between Tables
Lesson 9: Controlling Data Entry |
Restrict Data Entry with Field Properties
Create an Input Mask
Create a Lookup Field
Lesson 10: Finding and Joining
Data |
Find Data with Filters
Create Query Joins
Join Unrelated Tables
Relate Data Within a Table
Lesson 11: Creating Flexible
Queries |
Set Select Query Properties
Create Parameter Queries
Create Action Queries
Lesson 12: Improving Your Forms |
Enhance the Appearance of a Form
Restrict Data Entry in Forms
Add Command Buttons
Create a Subform
Lesson 13: Customizing Your
Reports |
Organize Report Information
Set Report Control Properties
Control Report Pagination
Summarize Information
Add a Subreport to an Existing Report
Create Mailing Labels
Lesson 14: Expanding the Reach of
Your Data |
Publish Access Data as a Word Document
Analyze Access Data in Excel
Export Data to a Text File
Merge Access Data with a Word Document |