Canadian Trainco |
What Canadian Trainco Does In the next year, Canadian Trainco will conduct in excess of 2,000 training seminars on over 20 primary maintenance topics in more than 125 major cities nationwide. While trying to figure out what to put on this web page that conveys all we want to say about our programs, we discovered that our students could probably do a better job of telling you about our company than us. So here’s just a small sampling of what they have to say about our training. Canadian Trainco is…. High Quality
"One of the best courses I have attended…over the last 25 years."
"The best seminar I have ever been to."
"… much better than the (competitors) class I took."
"… best course I have taken. Great hands on."
"Don’t know how the class could be any better."
"…will recommend to my colleagues"
"…best we’ve ever had… positive comments from all my men…Thank you."
"I don’t think (your seminar) can be any better than it already is."
"I highly recommend this course to others."
"… the most practical course I have ever taken…this seminar was
"Excellent practical knowledge. I would highly recommend to others."
"… an eye opening, practical, real world experience."
"Practical application for my regular daily work"
"…clear…incredible instructor, excellent hands on, real and practical."
"…looking forward to putting my newly learned knowledge to practical
"It’s the most practical seminar I’ve been to … very comprehensive." Real World
"Learned to apply … to real life situations"
"Lot’s of real world experience kept the class interesting."
"Equipment used was real world."
"…great discussions of real on the job type situations."
"…will help me in my real day-to-day operations…excellent course…great
"The "real world" experience…was #1."
"…instructor has lots of (real world) experience – I wish I had this Easy to Understand
"…easy to understand…"
"Explained with good examples and exercises."
"…easy to understand – who said old dogs can’t learn new tricks?"
"…clear and informative…"
"… easy to understand, answered all questions."
"…very clear and precise, not over our heads."
"…a true learning experience." Comprehensive
"Left with "zero" questions…answered them all. I strongly recommend!"
"Large volumes of information in an understandable manner"
"… a wealth of new knowledge."
" All question answered… great depth of information. Time and money well
"All aspects were well covered. I am a happy camper."
"… explained everything very thoroughly."
"…learned everything I wanted to know."
"Comprehensive, complete. I’ll be back!"
In-House / On-Site Training ClassesINDUSTRIAL TRAINING Seminars