Cofini Group, Inc. |
What is The Cofini Group? The Cofini Group is a training, coaching and business consulting company designed around building an intention-based business. This means we teach our clients to harness their natural instincts and unique ability to build a successful business. We see this as our preferred training style because we know no two sales people are alike; acknowledging this is what makes our training style unique. We believe that success lies in who we are being, not what we are doing. Once the sales professional understands this concept, all things become possible. Shelly Cofini has an extensive background in corporate lending, financial advisory services and organizational development. Experienced in the consultative process, she has been developing financial and business strategies for her clients for more than 26 years. She is a sought-after speaker on the topic of Structured Financing and Adjustable Rate Mortgages. As a result of her consultative experiences she developed training relating to “It’s not what we are doing, but who we are being”, “Converting Equity to Wealth”, “Your Relationship to Money” and “The Impact of Trust” thus giving her clients access to creating powerful high-trust relationships and allowing people to see what is possible for them both personally and financially. Shelly has a proven track record in successfully implementing turnaround strategies for companies that are in transition, both large and small. Ms. Cofini earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from California State Polytechnic University in Pomona, California. She has served on Board of Directors alongside two GNMA Presidents and has penned several articles for nationwide publications. Shelly is an active member of the National Speakers Association. Mike Maffia is more than a successful entrepreneur; he’s a dedicated leader, teacher and sought-after speaker in the financial services industry. Mike has used his unique combination of strategic business vision, leadership energy and hands-on management expertise to pursue a number of innovative and successful business ventures in a wide array of corporate and entrepreneurial settings. Awarded the Bronze star medal while participating in Desert Shield, Desert Storm and Operation Provide Comfort with the US Army, Mike’s extensive life experiences have enabled him to help executives understand and appreciate their unique gifts so they can create a life of fulfilling work, honest relationships and balance. As both a recipient and provider of executive coaching, Mike has experienced the difference executive coaching can make. Through his high energy yet insightful coaching, Mike helps his clients improve their quality of life and achieve maximum business results. By focusing on their innate gifts, he enables them to become leaders and leaders within their industry and organization. One of his particular strengths is coaching individuals and teams to harness their unique abilities, summon their passions and create the synergies necessary to “Be Great”.
In-House / On-Site Training ClassesBUSINESS Seminars BUSINESS SKILLS Seminars