Power Diversity Seminars and Training

Power Diversity

Power Diversity is a young, hip communication and diversity training company that has a very simple mission: NO MORE BORING TRAINING EVER. 

Dan hand-selects every associate speaker on the Power Diversity team, and reviews every course before it’s offered to the public. Aware that learning should not be the domain of a privileged few, but rather should be available to all people all the time, he makes an effort to ensure that private corporations, government agencies and individuals, even those on a limited budget, have a place to go where they can count on first-class training delivered by unrivaled speakers.

Dan recognizes the shift in not only the amount of information we now have available to us, but the shift in the way we process information. He recognizes that we are not just advancing from one age to another, but our collective consciousness is changing as well, and the way we deliver and receive information has to change with it. Gone are the days of boring seminars, endless PowerPoint presentations, Charlie Brown teachers, and time-wasting group round-table projects, and never again will you have to revolve your schedule around training. Whether you want to stay at home and learn, have the training come to your office, or go to a public seminar, you will find that Power Diversity provides you with learning on your terms—learning that fits your needs.

Whether you prefer to learn by listening, watching, reading, or getting involved (privately or publicly), there is now one resource that delivers what you want, when you want it, and how you want it. And that resource is called POWER DIVERSITY.

A whole new dimension in training is here, and Power Diversity is leading the way.


Company Policies


Discounts Available

Training Offered



In-House / On-Site Training Classes

Business Writing the Easy Way
Energy Vampire Slaying 101
The Secret Language of Personality Types

Excel® on Steroids for the Power User
Train Excel® to Read Your Mind

Diver$ity for Fun and Profit